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Product: Add support for sibling products#2

Spark’s product options display independently of one another, which is a Shopify requirement, but having ‘linked’ product options might be useful in a lot of cases.


Let’s say I had a t-shirt with three Sizes (Option 1): S, M, L
I have four Colors (Option 2) for the t-shirt, but the L size only comes in one color.

If the L size is selected and the options were linked, it would only show the one color available to “L”, rather than all the colors attached to the product.

This would work by setting the first option in the product’s variants as the dominant option- all other variant options would be dependent on the selection of the first option. The first, then second option would determine what displays in the third option.

This would be a setting because on the flip side, if only one color were shown, a user might not know there are other colors available to other sizes, or that there were other options dependent on the first selection. This is something that is helpful for some, but not all, use cases.

3 years ago